Monday, December 7, 2009

Silversticks SouthEastern Regional CHAMPIONS!!!

Can I just say that I am so proud of my little boy and his hockey team!! We spent this past weekend (Dec 5-7, 2009) in Hunstville, Alabama for the Southeastern regional tournament. Those boys played their little hearts out and brought home the prize!! They played a total of 4 games: Game 1 ended in a 1-1 tie. Game 2 we won 7-2. Game 3 we won 5-1. Game 4 (the Championship game) we won 7-1. Undefeated all weekend! Harrison had a total of 6 goals in 4 games! It was unbelievable!! After the game, they allowed us out on the ice to take pictures during the Awards Ceremony. They called each boy by name and they skated up to get their trophy. Then they asked for captains to come up to get the team trophy and banner. Coach Jason said for Harrison to be one of the 3 captains. So he went up and held the trophy up in the the NHL players do when they win the Stanley Cup. We took lots of pictures before being kicked off the ice. But of course my camera died...yep... Mom of the Year!

The greatest part about it, they get to go to Canada to play in the National Championship in January.

Monday, October 12, 2009

New soccer pictures!

I took my "Mack-Daddy" camera to Harri's game this weekend and got some really good pictures of him in action! I am making a website for the team, so I will post them on there. In the mean time, here are a few of my faves!

Also, I just added a slide show to the bottom of this blog, so be sure to scroll all the way down for a view of Harrison's life in pictures!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

A Hat Trick weekend!

Harrison had 3 hockey games and a soccer game this weekend. He would've had a second soccer game, but it has done nothing but rain in GA for the past 3 days! His soccer team won and he had 3 goals (a HAT TRICK)! His hockey team won 2 of the 3 games. The one they lost was 4-0, which is a step up from when they played them 3 weeks ago and lost 10-2. He scored 3 goals in the 2 winning hockey games as well...which means 2 more hat tricks! He is on fire this weekend! He got the game puck during the Saturday game and lots of positive comments from coaches and parents.

On a not-so-good note, he spent some time in the penalty box. He wasn't happy about it, but I thought it was pretty funny and had to get a quick pic!

Here are some pictures that I took of him in action: (He's #4)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

3rd Grade here I come!

Harrison started 3rd grade 3 weeks ago......I know I am late posting this but we have been a little busy! Third grade has been more challenging than the previous years, which is good because he was always bored. Thankfully they are starting multiplication and cursive, something he has been ready to learn since he sees Brennan doing it. So far, we ♥ his teacher! She seems really fun and is interested in each child's progress.

In addition to homework, Harrison is also playing hockey and soccer. They are both travel teams and go through the Spring of 2010. He is on the Mite Jr. Thrasher team that plays out of the Town Center Ice Forum. They are the first Mite team to travel out of this arena. The season starts in a couple of weeks, but they have been practicing 4x per week for the last 3 weeks.

His soccer team is a U10 boys travel team. Jason decided to step up and coach this year. Their season officially starts Sept. 12 and they have practiced 2x per week for the month of August. Funny side note: the boys chose to name the team .............the Thrashers! Easy for us to remember!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Beach trip 2009

Harrison had fun when he could on his beach trip this year. Considering it was a softball tournament for Brennan, he had a pretty good time! When we weren't at a ballpark, he was constantly asking me, "Can we go to the pool (or beach) now?" He was such a good sport! Here are some pics of him trying to have fun:

Sunday, June 7, 2009

He Made It!!!!

Harrison had his final tryout this morning for the Jr. Thrasher Travel hockey team. He absolutely showed off!! Even after spending 16 hours playing in the sun yesterday at Brennan's tournament, he was up at 7:15 this morning ready to play! Well, maybe not at first. He isn't a morning person, so he was a little cranky. By the time he was on the ice though, he was full of energy! During the scrimmage, he scored 3 goal and had 2 assists. He had a few breakaways and hit the crossbar on one shot. At the end, they did a shootout and he made both of his goals.

The coach came up to me toward the end of the tryout to make sure we were on board with him playing. His exact words were,"He is my superstar, we'll do whatever we have to do to get this contract signed!" Even the Director of Hockey at the Ice Forum, Yan Kaminsky (an ex-NHL player) tapped Harrison on the head and told him how good he did and then told me that he is an excellent hockey player. It was pretty cool to hear that from someone that really knows what he's talking about. I mean, of course we think he's awesome, but he's our' we have to!

They will start practice in August and games will start in September. Can't wait!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

*Select Soccer Tryouts*

Last week, Harrison tried out for the Kennesaw FC U10 Select Soccer team. He went to 2 nights of tryouts and boy did he shine! I went the first night and watched him show those 9 year old boys how it was done. He was the smallest one out there and he was running circles around them! He was dribbling, looking up for a pass, moving into space for a pass, and shooting on goal. It is funny how he just gets the game so well. I'm sure it helps that we had him on the field at just a week old. He has literally been raised on the soccer field, watching me and JJ play. Then he started his first soccer camp at age 3 and was on a team as soon as he turned 4.

Anyway, JJ is going to help coach his team that will start in the fall and go all the way through next summer. Should be fun juggling that and his hockey schedule!

Friday, May 22, 2009

I have a Third Grader!

Today was Harrison's last day of school! I can't believe he will start the 3rd grade in 2 1/2 months.....he is supposed to be my baby and he's growing up too fast! Anyway, the last couple of weeks have been exciting. Harrison was chosen to represent his class in the 2nd grade Spelling Bee. They had a class spelling bee and he was the best boy speller. So last Friday at 8:15 they had the real one. He was so nervous, I could tell by the way he was sitting on the stage. When it was his turn, he walked up to the microphone, with his head down. His word was "those", which he spelled correctly, smiled and returned to his seat. The second round, his word was "stood", but he spelled it "S-T-O ( along pause here) -U-D.....when the teacher said it was incorrect, I could see the anger/sadness on his face. He returned to his seat until the end of the round, then was dimissed to the audience. He came and sat with me, and I could see how upset he was. He is just so competitive. The bad part is, they only gave us 2 nights to study the 1200 words. We never made it to "stood." Either way, we are so proud of him for at least making it that far and trying his hardest!

This week, they had Award Day on Tuesday. Harrison got 4 certificates: Best Speller, Perfect Attendance, an Art Award, and a Certificate of Promotion to 3rd Grade! He was so proud when he came home with those to show off!

Now to enjoy summer break and keep on reading. He has recently decided that he likes to read, so I am loving that! We will be going to the library every few weeks to get new chapter books for him.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Easter Sunday at the Phillips Farm

We had so much on Easter! We went to Papaw Lamar's farm for lunch and had an easter egg hunt in the orchard. Like always, the egg hunt was over quick. They found about 60 eggs in 2 minutes flat, not bad for 5 kids! On the way back to the house, we let the horses out of their stall to visit. We had to keep them put up until the eggs were all found so they wouldn't eat them.

We were able to go visit with my family for the 2nd half of the day. They waited to have the egg hunt when we got there- mainly because there were no other kids! So, we have WAY too much candy in our house right now- they better keep it hid- between me and the dog, it may not last long!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

A trophy........FINALLY!!!

On Friday night, the Red Rockets had their end of the year party and awards ceremony. We got there at 5:00 and they had street hockey set up in the parking lot. Those boys played until we made them come in at 8:00. They didn't want to stop to eat and the rain didn't deter them either. When they finally came in, they were wet (from sweat and rain), muddy and thirsty.

Coach Jeff had all the boys gather together and he handed out the trophies and individual awards, one by one. This was so special to Harrison because in all the sports he has played, for some reason, they always give out medallions instead of trophies. He was beginning to get frustrated looking at Brennan vast trophy collection. The moment finally came.......Coach Jeff started talking about this one little boy that was "new to his team this year, but he had noticed last season on the other team." He said that he felt like this young player "will grow up to be a superstar on the ice." He also joked about "the horrible jerseys he wears to practice".....which got a good laugh from the parents. He was awarded the Future Superstar Award along with his trophy. He came straight home and added it to his bookshelf. Funny how it takes such small things to make kids happy!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Parent vs. Kids Hockey Game

Last Sunday morning, Harrison's hockey team played against "The Dads." For some reason, none of the mom's stepped up to help out the parent team. I thought about it but Jason told me I would get hurt! He was probably right, I can barely skate!

Anyway, about 10 dads put on their ice skates and hit the ice. Of course, Jason welcomed the opportunity and did pretty well too! They had a 30 minute practice game, which often consisted of all the boys on the ice against 5 dads. Then they had a real 10 minute period and at the end, it was tied up at they did a shootout! Just for fun, they let all the players take a shot on the goalie. In the end, we somehow let the kids win. Jason got a goal and Harrison got several throughout the hour.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Red Rockets Playoff Game

Harrison's hockey team had their playoff game this morning at 7:10 AM, yes, I said AM!!!!! Anyway, they started out playing so good! He played defense the entire game and had several chances to go up and try to score. In the first period, he got his second (and last) goal of the season! In the end, we lost 4-1. Which means our season is over. Had we won, we would've played the 1st place team on Sunday morning. We were very proud of the whole team, they really wanted to win and it showed!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Hockey Skills Competition at Philips Arena

Harrison's hockey team went to watch the Thrashers play the Calgary Flames today at Philips Arena. Afterwards, they dressed out and had a Skills Competition with the other Mite players from around Atlanta. It was cool for him to be able to skate where the pros had just played! They had different stations to go to and compete in. There was a shooting drill, a speed competition and a shooting accuracy drill. He did well in all 3 areas. At the end they had a scrimmage. I think he liked this part the best. They got to sit on the benches that the NHL players sit on during their game and the horn sounded when they scored! Although he didn't score, he was skating very hard. Here are some pics from the day!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valen"times" Day!!

Harrison is so cute! The first thing he said to me this morning when he woke up was, "Happy Valentimes Day!" Of course he and Jason had to argue over who told me first.....I didn't have the heart to tell him that his daddy beat him to it!

We gave the kids their gifts before we left for Harrison's hockey game. Harrison wanted new Spongebob sheets for his bed, so I caved and got them. He has also got into collecting Bakegan (whatever they are), so I threw one of those in too!

Friday, February 13, 2009

His teeth are finally here!!

After waiting for over 2 years (really closer to 3), Harrison finally has his two front teeth!! They starting to poke through his gums right around Christmas. Which we thought was hilarious...."All I Want for Christmas is my Two Front Teeth." Anyway, I am so happy to see them, especially since they don't look like they were permanantly damaged! They are not grey like I thought could be possible, considering the trauma they went through!

In case you don't know the story behind it, here goes:

In late March of 2006, I got a phone call from the day care. The owner just wanted to let me know that Harrison had fallen on the playground and hit his mouth. So, I am thinking it's no big deal, kids fall all the time right?? Well, she got my attention when she asked me how many teeth he was missing. Now, as a dental professional, I start freaking out! Four year olds don't typically lose their teeth!! So, long story short, she cleans up the blood around his mouth and confirms that his two front teeth are not there. Here's the funny part (well it's funny now)-- I was in Atlanta at a Dental Convention and had driven the other assistants. So I couldn't really leave. I called Jason to go get him and then called our office. The girls up front called around until they found a dentist (orthodontist actually) that was working. Most dentists in GA were at the convention with me! Jason took him to see Dr. McLendon in Powder Springs. He looked at his gums, which were badly tore up, and confirmed that his teeth had not been pushed back in. They were really gone! We never found them either......still wondering where they vanished to!

It was a miserable few weeks. He could hardly eat and when he did food got stuck up there. It was hard for him to talk or brush his other teeth. We eventually got used to his toothless grin. We have several pictures of him as a snaggle tooth!

Here are some pictures before, during and after.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Harrison the Sports Machine!

Harrison's hockey season is in full swing! The season is about half over and he just keeps getting better. His team, the Red Rockets, is definitely still learning how to play and in some cases, skate. Harrison is one of the faster skaters and is a heck of a defender. He is finally understanding the game and reading plays as they unfold. He loves the game and I don't see him asking to quit any time soon!

Harrison enjoyed his one season of baseball and did get one in-the-park home run! He was able to experience all the positions on the field but his favorite part was batting. They had a team party at Stevi B's and added another metal to his collection....which he was NOT happy about because every sport he has ever played gives out metals. He really wanted a trophy because Brennan has so many and he is getting jealous!

He has decided to hang up his baseball cleats and get back out the soccer cleats in the spring, which Jason was happy about ;-)