Sunday, August 30, 2009

3rd Grade here I come!

Harrison started 3rd grade 3 weeks ago......I know I am late posting this but we have been a little busy! Third grade has been more challenging than the previous years, which is good because he was always bored. Thankfully they are starting multiplication and cursive, something he has been ready to learn since he sees Brennan doing it. So far, we ♥ his teacher! She seems really fun and is interested in each child's progress.

In addition to homework, Harrison is also playing hockey and soccer. They are both travel teams and go through the Spring of 2010. He is on the Mite Jr. Thrasher team that plays out of the Town Center Ice Forum. They are the first Mite team to travel out of this arena. The season starts in a couple of weeks, but they have been practicing 4x per week for the last 3 weeks.

His soccer team is a U10 boys travel team. Jason decided to step up and coach this year. Their season officially starts Sept. 12 and they have practiced 2x per week for the month of August. Funny side note: the boys chose to name the team .............the Thrashers! Easy for us to remember!

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