Saturday, March 28, 2009

Parent vs. Kids Hockey Game

Last Sunday morning, Harrison's hockey team played against "The Dads." For some reason, none of the mom's stepped up to help out the parent team. I thought about it but Jason told me I would get hurt! He was probably right, I can barely skate!

Anyway, about 10 dads put on their ice skates and hit the ice. Of course, Jason welcomed the opportunity and did pretty well too! They had a 30 minute practice game, which often consisted of all the boys on the ice against 5 dads. Then they had a real 10 minute period and at the end, it was tied up at they did a shootout! Just for fun, they let all the players take a shot on the goalie. In the end, we somehow let the kids win. Jason got a goal and Harrison got several throughout the hour.

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