Sunday, March 29, 2009

A trophy........FINALLY!!!

On Friday night, the Red Rockets had their end of the year party and awards ceremony. We got there at 5:00 and they had street hockey set up in the parking lot. Those boys played until we made them come in at 8:00. They didn't want to stop to eat and the rain didn't deter them either. When they finally came in, they were wet (from sweat and rain), muddy and thirsty.

Coach Jeff had all the boys gather together and he handed out the trophies and individual awards, one by one. This was so special to Harrison because in all the sports he has played, for some reason, they always give out medallions instead of trophies. He was beginning to get frustrated looking at Brennan vast trophy collection. The moment finally came.......Coach Jeff started talking about this one little boy that was "new to his team this year, but he had noticed last season on the other team." He said that he felt like this young player "will grow up to be a superstar on the ice." He also joked about "the horrible jerseys he wears to practice".....which got a good laugh from the parents. He was awarded the Future Superstar Award along with his trophy. He came straight home and added it to his bookshelf. Funny how it takes such small things to make kids happy!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Parent vs. Kids Hockey Game

Last Sunday morning, Harrison's hockey team played against "The Dads." For some reason, none of the mom's stepped up to help out the parent team. I thought about it but Jason told me I would get hurt! He was probably right, I can barely skate!

Anyway, about 10 dads put on their ice skates and hit the ice. Of course, Jason welcomed the opportunity and did pretty well too! They had a 30 minute practice game, which often consisted of all the boys on the ice against 5 dads. Then they had a real 10 minute period and at the end, it was tied up at they did a shootout! Just for fun, they let all the players take a shot on the goalie. In the end, we somehow let the kids win. Jason got a goal and Harrison got several throughout the hour.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Red Rockets Playoff Game

Harrison's hockey team had their playoff game this morning at 7:10 AM, yes, I said AM!!!!! Anyway, they started out playing so good! He played defense the entire game and had several chances to go up and try to score. In the first period, he got his second (and last) goal of the season! In the end, we lost 4-1. Which means our season is over. Had we won, we would've played the 1st place team on Sunday morning. We were very proud of the whole team, they really wanted to win and it showed!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Hockey Skills Competition at Philips Arena

Harrison's hockey team went to watch the Thrashers play the Calgary Flames today at Philips Arena. Afterwards, they dressed out and had a Skills Competition with the other Mite players from around Atlanta. It was cool for him to be able to skate where the pros had just played! They had different stations to go to and compete in. There was a shooting drill, a speed competition and a shooting accuracy drill. He did well in all 3 areas. At the end they had a scrimmage. I think he liked this part the best. They got to sit on the benches that the NHL players sit on during their game and the horn sounded when they scored! Although he didn't score, he was skating very hard. Here are some pics from the day!