Sunday, August 17, 2008


I can't believe that I haven't updated this in 8 months....we have obviously been busy!

We went to the beach for vacation over the summer and Harrison learned to SWIM!! We were so excited to get rid of the life jacket. He learned at the beginning of the week and was a fish the rest of the time.

Harrison just started 2nd grade last week. He hates waking up ealier than Brennan (she is in midde school which goes in later)!! He likes his teacher and according to him they do nothing all day.....we'll see how long that lasts!

Harrison finished his first season of hockey. His team didn't win a single game, but they had fun! He got one goal, during the very last game....not bad for a defenseman. He also had 2 or 3 assists during the season. He was given the Hussle Award and the coach called him the most improved player out of both teams. He is about to start another season and it continues through March. Can you believe he has practice EVERY Sunday at 7AM??? Good thing Jason signed up for this one...I don't do mornings!

He also decided to take a break from soccer and try his hand at baseball. He should start practicing this week and games will start in September. We'll see how it goes I guess!

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