Thursday, August 19, 2010

Back to school

Harrison is in 4th grade now....where has the time gone? It seems like just yesterday, he was my little baby boy...

Anyway, he loves school this year, because he gets to change classes. He has Mrs. Barden for most of his classes and goes to Mrs. Connor's class for Science and Language Arts. In Music, they are learning how to play the recorder. He brought it home over the weekend and I taught him how to play "Mary had a Little Lamb." he practiced it all weekend until it was perfect! I couldn't believe how dedicated he was to working on it.

In the sports world: Harrison has decided to hang up the soccer cleats (again) and stick with hockey. He tried out for the Squirt team at the Ice Forum and was asked to move up to the AA team this year. His team from last year moved up to Squirt as well and are staying in Single A. It was a hard decision for us to make, as he had to leave his friends. But we decided in the end that the best thing for him would be to play at the higher level. They have already started practicing and games will start in late September