Sunday, September 20, 2009

A Hat Trick weekend!

Harrison had 3 hockey games and a soccer game this weekend. He would've had a second soccer game, but it has done nothing but rain in GA for the past 3 days! His soccer team won and he had 3 goals (a HAT TRICK)! His hockey team won 2 of the 3 games. The one they lost was 4-0, which is a step up from when they played them 3 weeks ago and lost 10-2. He scored 3 goals in the 2 winning hockey games as well...which means 2 more hat tricks! He is on fire this weekend! He got the game puck during the Saturday game and lots of positive comments from coaches and parents.

On a not-so-good note, he spent some time in the penalty box. He wasn't happy about it, but I thought it was pretty funny and had to get a quick pic!

Here are some pictures that I took of him in action: (He's #4)