Sunday, May 31, 2009

*Select Soccer Tryouts*

Last week, Harrison tried out for the Kennesaw FC U10 Select Soccer team. He went to 2 nights of tryouts and boy did he shine! I went the first night and watched him show those 9 year old boys how it was done. He was the smallest one out there and he was running circles around them! He was dribbling, looking up for a pass, moving into space for a pass, and shooting on goal. It is funny how he just gets the game so well. I'm sure it helps that we had him on the field at just a week old. He has literally been raised on the soccer field, watching me and JJ play. Then he started his first soccer camp at age 3 and was on a team as soon as he turned 4.

Anyway, JJ is going to help coach his team that will start in the fall and go all the way through next summer. Should be fun juggling that and his hockey schedule!

Friday, May 22, 2009

I have a Third Grader!

Today was Harrison's last day of school! I can't believe he will start the 3rd grade in 2 1/2 months.....he is supposed to be my baby and he's growing up too fast! Anyway, the last couple of weeks have been exciting. Harrison was chosen to represent his class in the 2nd grade Spelling Bee. They had a class spelling bee and he was the best boy speller. So last Friday at 8:15 they had the real one. He was so nervous, I could tell by the way he was sitting on the stage. When it was his turn, he walked up to the microphone, with his head down. His word was "those", which he spelled correctly, smiled and returned to his seat. The second round, his word was "stood", but he spelled it "S-T-O ( along pause here) -U-D.....when the teacher said it was incorrect, I could see the anger/sadness on his face. He returned to his seat until the end of the round, then was dimissed to the audience. He came and sat with me, and I could see how upset he was. He is just so competitive. The bad part is, they only gave us 2 nights to study the 1200 words. We never made it to "stood." Either way, we are so proud of him for at least making it that far and trying his hardest!

This week, they had Award Day on Tuesday. Harrison got 4 certificates: Best Speller, Perfect Attendance, an Art Award, and a Certificate of Promotion to 3rd Grade! He was so proud when he came home with those to show off!

Now to enjoy summer break and keep on reading. He has recently decided that he likes to read, so I am loving that! We will be going to the library every few weeks to get new chapter books for him.